The Tom Collins Cocktail – A Timeless Classic


The Tom Collins cocktail is a timeless classic known for its refreshing taste and simple preparation. This gin-based drink has become a staple in bars and homes worldwide, thanks to its versatility and approachable flavor profile. Whether you’re new to cocktails or a seasoned enthusiast, the Tom Collins is a go-to choice that never fails to impress.

One of the reasons for its enduring appeal is its versatility. You can easily adjust the level of sweetness, experiment with different types of gin, or add fruit for a unique twist. This adaptability makes the Tom Collins a favorite among those who enjoy customizing their drinks while still maintaining a classic feel. Overall, it’s a drink that stands the test of time and continues to be a popular choice for casual and formal occasions alike.

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Perfect Tom Collins Recipe

To make a classic Tom Collins, you’ll need a few basic ingredients and some simple steps to create this refreshing cocktail. Here’s what you’ll need and how to make it:


  • 2 ounces of gin
  • 1 ounce of freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • Club soda
  • Lemon twist for garnish (optional)

Step-by-Step Instructions

  • Combine Gin and Lemon Juice: Pour the gin and lemon juice into a cocktail shaker filled with ice. This helps chill the mixture and dilute it just enough for a balanced flavor.
  • Shake Well: Shake the mixture vigorously for about 15 seconds, or until the shaker feels cold to the touch. This aerates the drink and gives it a slight froth.
  • Strain into a Glass: Strain the mixture into a chilled coupe glass, ensuring that no ice gets into the final drink. This creates a smooth, clean presentation.
  • Top with Club Soda: Gently pour the club soda down the side of the glass to avoid excessive fizz. This gives the Tom Collins its characteristic effervescence.
  • Add a Garnish: If you like, add a twist of lemon peel for a decorative touch and a hint of citrus aroma.

That’s it! You’ve made a classic Tom Collins, a cocktail that’s both straightforward and delightful to drink. Enjoy responsibly, and feel free to adjust the recipe to your taste.


Customizing your Tom Collins cocktail is a fun way to make it uniquely yours. Whether you like it sweeter or with a burst of fruity flavor, there are several simple adjustments you can make. Here are some tips for personalizing your Tom Collins:

Sweetness with Simple Syrup

If you prefer a sweeter cocktail, you can add a half-ounce of simple syrup. To make simple syrup, combine equal parts sugar and water in a saucepan and heat until the sugar dissolves. Let it cool before using. This syrup can balance the tartness of the lemon juice and add a smooth sweetness to the cocktail.

Fruity Variations

For a fruity twist, try muddling a few raspberries or blueberries in the shaker before adding the gin and lemon juice. This adds a subtle berry flavor and a beautiful hue to the drink. It’s an easy way to give your Tom Collins a fresh and vibrant touch.

Chilled Club Soda for More Fizz

If you enjoy a more intense fizz in your Tom Collins, use chilled club soda. The colder temperature helps retain carbonation, giving the cocktail a lively, sparkling texture. Be sure to pour it gently to avoid excessive foam.

With these tips, you can create a Tom Collins that’s tailored to your preferences, adding sweetness, fruitiness, or extra fizz as you like. Enjoy experimenting and finding your perfect combination!

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History of the Tom Collins

The Tom Collins cocktail has a rich history dating back to the late 19th century, with multiple theories surrounding its origin and name. Let’s explore the most prominent stories and the cocktail’s journey through the years.

Origins in the Late 19th Century

The exact origins of the Tom Collins are unclear, but it’s generally believed to have emerged in the late 1800s. During this time, gin-based cocktails were becoming increasingly popular in both the United States and the United Kingdom.

Competing Theories About Its Name

There are a couple of key theories about the cocktail’s name and creation:

  • John Collins Connection: One theory suggests that the Tom Collins was named after a bartender named John Collins who worked at London’s Limmer’s Hotel during the 1870s. Some believe that John Collins created a similar cocktail, leading to the confusion between “Tom” and “John” Collins.
  • “Old Tom” Gin: Another theory posits that the cocktail was named after a type of gin known as “Old Tom,” which was popular at the time. This gin was slightly sweeter and less juniper-forward compared to the London Dry Gin more commonly used today. This difference in gin style might explain why the Tom Collins had a distinct taste.

Popularity During Prohibition

The Tom Collins gained significant popularity in the United States during Prohibition (1920-1933), when high-quality liquor was scarce. Bartenders often used lower-quality gin and added more sugar and lemon juice to mask the harsh flavors. Despite these challenges, the Tom Collins remained a popular cocktail throughout the Prohibition era and beyond.

Enduring Appeal Through the 20th Century

After Prohibition, the Tom Collins continued to be a beloved cocktail, gaining a place in cocktail history. It was featured in Jerry Thomas’ 1887 “The Bartender’s Manual,” which helped solidify its status as a classic drink. Even today, the Tom Collins remains a favorite choice for those seeking a refreshing and easy-to-make cocktail.

With its interesting history and enduring popularity, the Tom Collins is more than just a drinkā€”it’s a piece of cocktail lore that has stood the test of time.

Fun Facts

The Tom Collins cocktail isn’t just a classic drink; it’s also surrounded by intriguing trivia and fun stories. Here are some interesting facts about the Tom Collins that highlight its place in cocktail history:

Featured in Jerry Thomas’ 1887 “The Bartender’s Manual”

The Tom Collins gained a significant boost in recognition when it was featured in Jerry Thomas’ “The Bartender’s Manual” in 1887. Thomas, often considered the “father of American mixology,” included the Tom Collins in his renowned cocktail guide, which solidified its place among classic cocktails.

The John Collins Variation

While the Tom Collins is typically made with gin and lemon juice, there’s a variation called the John Collins, which uses lemonade instead of lemon juice. This twist gives the drink a slightly sweeter and more citrus-forward flavor, making it another popular choice among cocktail enthusiasts.

The “Tom Collins” Hoax

In the late 19th century, there was a humorous hoax involving a fictional character named Tom Collins. The hoax involved people telling others that a man named Tom Collins was spreading rumors about them. This led the gullible on wild goose chases to find the elusive Tom Collins, often resulting in comedic confusion. This prank became widely known and added an amusing dimension to the cocktail’s history.

These fun facts add depth to Tom Collins’ legacy, showing that it has not only a rich recipe but also a storied past filled with humor and creativity. Whether you enjoy it for its refreshing taste or its intriguing background, the Tom Collins remains a cocktail that continues to capture the imagination.

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In Crux

The Tom Collins cocktail is a timeless classic that has been enjoyed for over a century. With its refreshing blend of gin, lemon juice, and club soda, it’s a simple yet versatile drink that appeals to a wide range of tastes. The cocktail’s origins are rooted in the late 19th century, with intriguing stories surrounding its creation, whether linked to John Collins or “Old Tom” gin. Despite the Prohibition era’s challenges, the Tom Collins thrived and remains a popular choice today.

Throughout its history, the Tom Collins has evolved, inspiring variations like the John Collins and sparking amusing stories like the “Tom Collins” hoax. This enduring cocktail continues to be a favorite at bars, parties, and gatherings due to its adaptability and approachable flavor profile.

We invite you to try the recipe and experiment with your own variations, using simple syrup for sweetness, adding fruit for a twist, or adjusting the fizz with chilled club soda. We’d love to hear about your experiences and unique takes on this classic cocktail. Share your thoughts and let us know what makes your Tom Collins special!

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