Easy Jubilee Cocktail Recipe for Celebrations


The Jubilee cocktail is a delightful and festive drink that embodies celebration and joy. Crafted with a blend of vodka, dry red wine, pear liqueur, and a hint of citrus and sweetness, this cocktail is perfect for special occasions and gatherings. Its vibrant flavors and elegant presentation make it a standout choice for toasting and enjoying memorable moments with friends and family.

Jubilee Cocktail


  • 1 1/2 ounces vodka
  • 1 1/2 ounces dry red wine
  • 1/2 ounce St. George spiced pear liqueur
  • 1/4 ounce freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 1/4 ounce maple syrup
  • Seltzer, chilled, to top
  • Garnish: pear fan, freshly grated nutmeg


  • In a stemless wine glass, combine vodka, dry red wine, pear liqueur, lemon juice, and maple syrup.
  • Fill the glass with ice cubes.
  • Top with chilled seltzer.
  • Stir gently to combine.
  • Garnish with a pear fan and a sprinkle of freshly grated nutmeg.

Enjoy your refreshing Jubilee cocktail!

Tips & Tricks for the Jubilee Cocktail

Adjusting Sweetness:

To tailor the sweetness of your Jubilee cocktail, adjust the amount of maple syrup or consider using a drier red wine for a less sweet flavor profile.

Adding a Fruity Twist:

Enhance your Jubilee cocktail with a burst of fruity flavors by muddling fresh berries like raspberries or blueberries before mixing in the other ingredients.

Using Sparkling Substitutes:

If seltzer isn’t available, you can substitute with club soda for a similar effervescent effect. For a more celebratory touch, try using chilled champagne or prosecco instead.

Spicing it Up:

Add a pinch of cinnamon or clove to the cocktail for a warm, festive twist that complements the flavors of vodka, red wine, and pear liqueur.

Making it Ahead:

Prepare for your celebration by mixing all ingredients except seltzer in a pitcher up to 2 hours ahead of time. Add chilled seltzer just before serving to ensure freshness and fizziness.

These tips will help you customize and prepare the perfect Jubilee cocktail for any occasion!

History & Fun Facts about the Jubilee Cocktail

The Jubilee cocktail originated from the creative mixology scene, notably crafted by New York bartender Jeremy Oertel. Its inception is relatively recent, reflecting modern cocktail trends and flavors.

Significance of the Name:

The name “Jubilee” evokes a sense of celebration and festivity, perfectly aligning with the cocktail’s vibrant and cheerful character. It’s an ideal choice for marking special occasions and memorable moments.

Comparison to Sangria:

While the Jubilee cocktail shares similarities with Sangria due to its use of red wine and fruit liqueurs, it distinguishes itself with a higher vodka content, making it a stronger and more potent option for cocktail enthusiasts.

Substitution for Spiced Pear Liqueur:

If spiced pear liqueur is unavailable, you can substitute it with another pear liqueur or even create a simple pear syrup by infusing pear slices with spices like cinnamon and cloves in a sugar syrup base.

These insights into the history and unique characteristics of the Jubilee cocktail add depth to its appeal, making it a delightful choice for any celebration.

In Crux

We hope this guide has inspired you to try crafting your own Jubilee cocktail! With its refreshing blend of vodka, red wine, pear liqueur, and subtle hints of citrus and sweetness, this cocktail is sure to elevate any celebration or gathering.

Whether you’re hosting a party, enjoying a quiet evening at home, or marking a special occasion, the Jubilee cocktail offers a perfect balance of flavors and a touch of elegance. Don’t hesitate to experiment with the recipe, adjusting sweetness or adding your favorite fruits for a personal twist.

We would love to hear about your experience with the Jubilee cocktail. Share your creations, tips, and favorite variations with us. Cheers to creating unforgettable moments with a sip of this delightful cocktail!


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